Sunday, October 20, 2013

Does the Dream still exist?

     George Carlin states that you must be dreaming to believe it. I agree with Carlin to a certain extent. For example, he states that the so called owners of this country want more for themselves and less for everyone else. It makes sense really, but isn't that the way its always been? Any country you go to, I think that the richer want more for themselves, and less for everyone else. I look at that as human nature. Furthermore Carlin states," the politicians are their to make you believe that you have freedom of choice, but you have no choice". I disagree with him on that one. After all, U.S. citizens can vote on whom they feel should be president. America is a free country.

         I believe that, the American dream still exists. However, it will depend on how you look at it.
Everybody's view on this topic, of course is different. Their are people currently living the dream, and you might be thinking only the rich and famous. No, I think that immigrants who came into this
country will be considered living the dream. Essentially, something that they were not able to achieve in their homeland. For example, immigrants still do come to this country and are able to raise a family, get jobs, and become independent. Almost every business I have seen, it was owned by someone who came from overseas. For example local franchises, like Dunkin Donuts, 7/11, restaurants, and many gas stations. America is still considered the land of opportunity.
        Essentially, I think that success can be achieved if you work hard enough. And honestly it seems
that some, if not a lot of people are not willing to put in long hours of work, labor, and or a college education. And then of course it is a tough time and the economy has been rough. America is in debt by trillions of dollars, yet people have freedom to do what they desire, regardless of who is president. Again, everybody's viewpoint on this topic is different. You might say, that to live this dream you have to be rich, whereas, I see it as just being able to have freedom and have a decent career, and a normal life. The United States can be seen as a melting pot, because it accepts many types of cultures, backgrounds, etc.. I think the bottom line is that, if you work hard in this country, and have determination and perseverance, you will succeed no matter what.